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The Story Begins At The End

Author | Sujay Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 9789388698610 Pages | 156 Genre | Romance

About Book:

There isn't anything such as… true love

And there isn't a false love… it is just love.

Have you ever googled the word? Asked Siri, Alexa? Is there a synonym for it.

The word is complete in itself, it is the most powerful and yet the most humbling emotion. The story begins at the end is a collection of such stories that celebrate love in its myriad forms. The collection holds most of the narratives in such a way that they could well be starting off by the end of the story, the beginning of love, figuratively and literary – the last line coming forth from the first.

Love is the window to our souls. It is not the fear of being alone, it is a matter of being together...

About the Author:

The author is a former Officer of the Indian Army. He has served with the regiment of Artillery and has been part of counter-insurgency combat missions. He was born in Mumbai and is currently based in Bengaluru. He has enjoyed a career with a century-old publishing house authoring articles that have been published in international defence magazines of repute. During his free time the author enjoys reading, playing a game of squash or enjoying the challenges of the chessboard.

His particular passion is for solo travelling. This apart, he is now working on a full - length novel. The author prefers to write under a nom de plume.

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